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RelBib: Business, Economics, and Theology: Working for the Holistic Flourishing of Creation Budgeting for A Healthy Church : Aligning Finances with Biblical Priorities for Ministry, Jamie Dunlop, Zondervan, 2019 (ISBN 978-0-310-09386-2), 176 pp., pb $14.99 The Economics of Neighborly Love: Investing in Your Community's Compassion and Capacity, Tom Nelson, IVP, 2017 (ISBN 978-0-8308-4392-3), x 222 pp., pb $16 A Catholic Spirituality for Business: The Logic of Gift, Martin Schlag and Domènec Melé (eds), The Catholic University of America Press, 2019 (ISBN 978-0-8132-3169-3), XVIII 262 pp., pb $34.95
