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RelBib: J. NEUSNER, A History of the Mishnaic Law of Holy Things, Part One: Zebahim. Translation and Explanation 1978, xx, 262 pp., cloth f 120.-; Part Two: Menahot. Translation and Explanation 1978, xvii, 210 pp., cloth f 96.-; Part Three: Hullin, Bekhorot. Translation and Explanation 1979, xvii, 250 pp., cloth f 120.-; Part Four: Arakhin, Temurah. Translation and Explanation 1979, xvii, 158 pp., cloth f 76.-; Part Five: Keritot, Meilah, Tamid, Middot, Qinnim. Translation and Explanation 1980, xvii, 225 pp., cloth f 96.-; Part Six: The Mishnaic System of Sacrifice and Sanctuary 1980, xxxii, 302 pp., cloth f 124.-. A History of the Mishnaic Law of Women, Part One: Yebamot. Translation and Explanation 1980, xxii, 220 pp., cloth f 96.-; Part Two: Ketubot. Translation and Explanation 1980, xx, 145 pp., clothf 64.-; Part Three: Nedarim, Nazir. Translation and Explanation 1980, xx, 204 pp., cloth f 84.-; Part Four: Sotah, Gittin, Qiddushin. Translation and Explanation 1980, xx, 281 pp., clothf 112.-; Part Five: The Mishnaic System of Women 1980, xxiv, 281 pp., cloth f 112. -. A History of the Mishnaic Law of Appointed Times, Part One: Shabbat. Translation and Explanation 1981, xxv, 217 pp., clothf 96.-; Part Two: Erubin, Pesahim. Translation and Explanation 1981, xxv, 281 pp., cloth f 120.-; Part Three: Sheqalim, Yoma, Sukkah. Translation and Explanation 1982, xxv, 189 pp., cloth f 84.-; Part Four: Besah, Rosh Hashshanah, Taanit, Megillah, Moed Qatan, Hagigah. Translation and Explanation 1983, xxv, 262 pp., cloth f 108.-; Part Five: The Mishnaic System of Appointed Times 1983, xxv, 254 pp., cloth f 108.- (Studies in Judaism in Late Antiquity XXX, XXXIII, XXXIV), E. J. Brill, Leiden
