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RelBib: The Christian Understanding of Man. Walter M. Horton , T. E. Jessop , R. L. Calhoun , Austin Farrer , Emil Brunner , N. Alexeiev , Pierre Maury The Kingdom of God and History. H. G. Woods , C. H. Dodd , Edwyn Bevan , Eugene Lyman , Paul Tillich , H. D. Wendland , Christopher Dawson Christian Faith and the Common Life. Reinhold Niebuhr , Martin Dibelius , William Temple , Nils Ehrenström , Werner Wiesner , Herbert Henry Farmer , John Coleman Bennett Church and Community. H. Paul Douglass , Hanns Lilje , Stefan Zankov , Manfred Björkquist , Edwin Ewart Aubrey , Kenneth S. Latourette , Ernest Barker , Marc Boegner Church, Community and State in Relation to Education. J. H. Oldham , J. W. D. Smith , Fred Clarke , W. Zenkovsky , X, Charles R. Morris , Paul Monroe , Ph. Kohnstamm The Universal Church and the World of Nations. Marquess of Lothian , C. E. Raven , V. A. Demant , Wilhelm Menn , Otto Piper , Max Huber , Alfred Zimmern , John Foster Dulles , O. H. von der Gablentz
