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RelBib: Vetus Testamentum Syriace iuxta simplicem Syrorum versionem/The Old Testament in Syriac according to the Peshitta Version, ed. on behalf of the International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament by the Peshitta Institute Leiden, Part IV, fascicle 6 (with a [separate] General Preface): Canticles or Odes by H. SCHNEIDER ; Prayer of Manasseh by W. BAARS and H. SCHNEIDER; Apocryphal Psalms by W. BAARS; Psalms of Solomon by W. BAARS; Tobit by J. C. H. LEBRAM; 1(3) Esdras by W. BAARS and J. C. H. LEBRAM, E. J. Brill, Leiden 1972, XIV 36; VIII 10 X 12; VI 28; XIV 55; XX 53 pp., cloth Fl. 96
