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RelBib: WHEELER, Andrew, Land of Promise: Church Growth in a Sudan at War (Faith in Sudan Series, No. 1), Nairobi, Paulines Publications, 1997, 152 pp., ISBN 9966 21 326 0 £4.00 BROWN, Stuart (ed.), Seeking an Open Society: Inter faith Relations and Dialogue in Sudan Today (Faith in Sudan Series, No. 2), Nairobi, Paulines Publications, 1997, 104 pp., ISBN 9966 21 332 5 £4.00 PEERSON, Janet, In our own Languages: The Story of Bible Translation in Sudan (Faith in Sudan Series, No. 3) Nairobi, Paulines Publications, 1997, 48 pp., ISBN 9966 21 349 x £3.00 BARSELLA, Gino & GUIXOT, Miguel, Struggling to be Heard: The Christian Voice in Independent Sudan 1965-96 (Faith in Sudan Series, No. 4), Nairobi, Paulines Publications, 1997, 126 pp., ISBN 9966 21 372 4 £4.00 PIERLI, F., RATTI, M.T., & WHEELER, A.C. (eds.), Gateway to the Heart of Africa: Missionary Pioneers in Sudan, (Faith in Sudan Series No. 5), Nairobi, Paulines Publications, 1997, 160 pp., ISBN 9966 21 374 0 £4.00
